Το reACTPSN αναβαθμίστηκε σήμερα στην έκδοση 2.20 με αρκετές αλλαγές κι έγινε πιο εύκολο στη χρήση.Να πούμε ότι με αυτό το εργαλείο μπορείτε να ενεργοποιήσετε και πάλι τα PSN games σας.Με αυτήν την αναβάθμιση μπορείτε να ενεργοποιήσετε DLC τα οποία έχουν αγοραστεί κανονικά από εσάς.Δεν χρειάζεται να μπείτε στη διαδικασία αφού οι υπάρχουσες ομάδες τα κυκλοφορούν έτοιμα πλέον απλά ανεβαίνει σαν είδηση
1. Compatible with reActPSN v2.00.
2. Changed v2.0 backup file format to one zip file, backup speed fast more than 20 times.
Fixed some rap long name bug.
3. Added edat fix mode, this mode works on any CFW, no need aa user or patched vsh.self.
(1) Auto generate XMB purchase full activation edat, no need any raps or official edat files.
Install official LIMBO.pkg TERIS.pkg HCU.pkg,
Run reActPSNv2.10 and keep pressed BUTTON_CIRCLE about 6s, all will be full working.
Higher PS3_SYSTEM_VER also be fixed in SFO files (old save data could not be accessed).
(2) Fix PSone PSP THEME with raps. raps from USB0(1)/exdata/*.rap .
Install official PSone PSP THEME, copy raps to USB0(1)/exdata/ folder(not in subDirs!).
Run reActPSNv2.10 and keep pressed BUTTON_CIRCLE about 6s, all working.
And also fix PARAM.SFO to enable PSP remote, higher PS3_SYSTEM_VER also be fixed.
(3) DLC, in game purchase PSN games now working on this fix mode(not sure for all PSN contents).
Install official 1942.pkg Flower.pkg , copy raps to USB0(1)/exdata/ folder(not in subDirs!),
Run reActPSNv2.20 and keep pressed BUTTON_TRIANGLE about 6s, all will be working,
1942 is full working, Flower still has a error, (press PS KEY)exit to XMB,
Run reActPSNv2.20 again and keep pressed BUTTON_TRIANGLE about 6s, Flower is full working.
DLC also could be fixed with this TRIANGLE mode.
As I know, EBOOT.BIN with self.flag=4 does not works, and don't run MM with BDEMU2 mode.
All fixed contens maybe still woking on cfw4.0 with data transfer(All signed with .......).
TRIANGLE mode only fix dev_hdd0/game/TITLE_ID/ BIN-sprx-edat-EDAT-self files.
There is a BUTTON_SQUARE mode searching for all type files, but slowly.
(4) Backup v2.10&v2.20 full fixed PSN contents.
Run reActPSNv2.20 and keep pressed BUTTON_R2 about 6s,
All fixed games(only full working) backup to /dev_usb000(1)/reActPSN/FixedNPD
Please use reActPSN v2.00 Raps mode. Only Raps mode works flawlessly for all PSN contents!
XMB purchase- purchase menu is in XMB. CFW3.55, target PSN LOGO, press BUTTON_TRIANGLE.
Activated with edat and rif, trial and full with one installed package.
in game purchase PSN games -- purchase menu is in game. Activated with one rif only.
Download Link http://www.sendspace.com/file/7cq0l4
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