31 Αυγ 2011
Downgrade από 3.70 σε 3.55 Video με το E3 Flasher

Multiman 2.05.00

* Added: SIDE menu in XMMB mode to access various functions (access the menu with [TRIANGLE])
* Added: SIDE menu option for XMMB Settings column to switch between ADVANCED and STANDARD settings
* Added: SIDE menu function "UPDATE" Showtime in XMMB Video column when "Start Showtime" is selected
* Added: SIDE menu function "UPDATE" in XMMB RETRO column to check/download EMULATOR updates by squarepusher2
* Added: Option in XMMB Settings to change SIDE menu background color
* Changed: UPDATE function in GAME SETTINGS menu will not download updates for higher than your current PS3 firmware version
* Changed: UPDATE function in GAME SETTINGS can now check/download updates for SNES/FCEU/VBA/FBA/GEN+Emulators by squarepusher2
* Changed: All options in the XMMB Settings column are now selectable via the SIDE menu (much like in the regular XMB mode)
* Added: Option in XMMB Settings column: [Write access to /dev_flash via /dev_blind]
* Added: Permissions check upon loading a title
* Added: VP6 file extension to recognizable video formats
* Added: Support for browsing USB devices and Internal HDD in XMMB Photo, Music, Video and Retro columns
* Added: Larger icons when browsing devices in XMMB mode
* Added: Indication in "browse mode" when playing music (a note sign will appear next to Device or Folder icon)
Ο Παναθηναϊκός στο καινούργιο NBA JAM-On fire edition


Σε αυτή την ανάρτηση μπορεί ο καθένας από εσάς να πουλήσει η ν αγοράσει κάτι.Απλά γράφετε την αγγελία σας στα σχόλια κι όποιος ενδιαφέρεται γράφει επίσης από κάτω και ούτω καθ εξής.
30 Αυγ 2011
Το Cobra Usb θα υποστηρίζει σύντομα 3.6+ games;

Homebrew Game-Cascade Beneath v1.0

Homebrew Game-Don't Get Crushed v1.1
29 Αυγ 2011
Final Fantasy 7 Remake???

Σίγουρα αυτή την είδηση την περίμεναν πολλοί(όχι δυστυχώς δεν έχουμε κάποιο νέο cfw ακόμα δυστυχώς).Το remake του Final Fantasy 7 όπως όλα δείχνουν είναι γεγονός σύμφωνα με τον Yoichi Wada τον πρόεδρο της Square και θα κυκλοφορήσει το τέταρτο 3μηνο του 2012.Ο τίτλος του θα είναι Final Fantasy 7 Jenova's Rebirth και θα κυκλοφορήσει αποκλειστικά για το PS3 και...ίσως και στην νέα κονσόλα που ετοιμάζει η Sony.Αλήθεια η φήμη;Ο καιρός θα δείξει...
28 Αυγ 2011
SketchFight v0.1

PSHomebrew 0.1

PS3 Media Server v1.40.0 beta 2
27 Αυγ 2011
MultiMAN v2.04.00 UPDATE (20110826-181000)

Mε τη νέα αυτή αναβάθμιση του Multiman μπαίνουν νέες λειτουργίες στο music playback ενώ παράλληλα έχουμε και μερικές ακόμα βελτιώσεις όπως μπορείτε να δείτε
* Added: SIDE menu option for XMMB Settings column to switch between ADVANCED and STANDARD settings
* Added: Option in XMMB Settings column: [Write access to /dev_flash via /dev_blind]
* Added: Permissions check upon loading a title
* Added: VP6 file extension to recognizable video formats
* Changed: UPDATE function in GAME SETTINGS menu will not download updates for higher than your current PS3 firmware version
* Changed: All options in the XMMB Settings column are now selectable via the SIDE menu (much like in theregular XMB mode)
PS3Ultimate Store
Driver San Francisco 3.55
Το demo του παιχνιδιού Driver San Francisco διέρρευσε στο διαδίκτυο και μάλιστα είναι playable σε 3.55 CFW!!!
26 Αυγ 2011
Showtime v3.1.203 - Unofficial Build
Ανανέωση είχαμε για τον Showtime media player.Τις αλλαγές που προκύπτουν στη νέα έκδοση μπορείτε να τις δείτε παρακάτω
• ps3: Add our own sfo.xml
• ps3: Implement a hdd-based read-ahead cache when streaming video
• htsp: Include description from EPG in data model
• Fix problem when upgrading plugins
• lang cleanup
• tcp sockets: Move spill buffer to tcpcon_t
• Add missing prop_unsubscribe() causing memory corruption
• Added createInt to the plugin documentation
• spotify: Optimize metadata handling
• Fix null deref
• Add support for detection if seeking in a file is a slow operation.
• Allow service discovery to be disabled
• httpclient: Don't fail if we get disconnected during receive of body in 3xx and 4xx requests
• Fix bug in JSON decoder making it choke on empty dicts
• js: Fix missing rooting of JSObject
25 Αυγ 2011
Με το JFW DH θα ελέγχουμε το PS3 με το PSP
Απενεργοποιήστε το Cinavia εύκολα και γρήγορα

Πριν από λίγο η ομάδα Rebug κυκλοφόρησε μέσα από το επίσημο της site το disable cinavia για όλα τα custom firmware κι έτσι εγκαθιστώντας απλά ένα pkg αρχείο μπορείτε να την απενεργοποιήσετε απλά εύκολα και γρήγορα χωρίς να κάνετε καμία ρύθμιση μέσω multiman η ftp.
24 Αυγ 2011
ΜultiMAN v2.04.00 UPDATE (20110824-152900)

Genesis plus GX v1.5 για 3.41 & 3.55

Κυκλοφόρησε ένας ακόμα πολύ καλός sega mega drive emulator για το PS3 μας και μέσα στο link θα βρείτε 2 εκδόσεις μία για 3.41 και μία για 3.55 cfw.Όσο αφορά τα roms μπορείτε να τα βρείτε σε διάφορα site όπως το romnation αλλά και το rom-world
23 Αυγ 2011
Ο Christiano Ronaldo θα είναι το πρόσωπο του νέου Pro evolution soccer
Showtime Repack (unofficial build) v3.1.188

Changelog for v3.1.188:
- js: Allow arbitrary headers to be set in HTTPAuth handlers
- More robust handling of character encoding in Javascript HTTP client
- Refactor character set handling a bit
- Remove old file
- js: Correct textDialog function
- js: Added function textDialog to the plugin API
- js: Added function simple_dialog to plugin API (shows a message in a popup and a textbox to user enter something and get the value)
- Added background support for plugins
- glwthemes: Added support for background in directory type pages, use page.metadata.background
- upnp: Various fixes
- Add Hungarian translation
- Add support for overriding HTTP headers from plugins
- rpmbuild spec file for redhat/fedora etc
- Merge branch ‘master’ of github.com:jonask/showtime
- changing linux make uninstall path and add gtk-update-icon-cache
- changing linux make uninstall path
- add showtime desktop icon to the linux make install script and correct system path for fedora
- Update Dutch translation
- Update Trad. Chinese translation
- Update Romanian translation
- Update Norwegian translation
- Update French translation
Νέα χαρακτηριστικά που θα περιλαμβάνονται στο JFW DH custom firmware
22 Αυγ 2011
Μultiman 2.00.04 Update

21 Αυγ 2011
Έρχεται το Ε3 Flasher και το downgrade/upgrade του PS3 από 3.70 σε 3.55 θα είναι πολύ απλό

PS Multi Tools για Windows 7 v3.5 Τελική έκδοση

MultiMAN Logo Updated
PSP Management updated:
New Design
User friendly
MultiMAN updated
Multiman v2.04.00

- Added: Pulsing of selected entry/title in XMMB display mode
- Added: Czech, Hungarian, Catalan, Galician and Indonesian languages
- Added: Other various tweaks and changes
- multiMAN LOGO Contest Winner: TheForce
- Cover server updated with latest 2644 game covers
- Changed "Download Themes" server back to my primary one
19 Αυγ 2011
Rebug Update και Spoofer 3.70 Packages

18 Αυγ 2011
To Newbie Friendly Ware (NFW) αναβαθμίστηκε και με 3.70 Spoofer

To El Shaddai Ascension of the metatron USA παίζει σε 3.55 CFW

17 Αυγ 2011
UPDATED Κάντε Downgrade στο PS3 σας από 3.70 σε 3.55

First we dump our NOR with a flasher, the file size must be “16,777,216 bytes” no byte more or a byte less, take several to be absolutely sure of what you do..get the dump “example jakemcallister.bin”and we have to get it in flowrebuilder to make it readable,the option is called bytereverse dump and extract
we do it and we will have a file but the extension will be bin.REV open it with the hxd and take out our personal data of the console EID, BOOTLOADER, CSID and METLDR
no need to put more data
We get it with the following way:in this case we get our METLDR in our prepatched image for downgrade attached in this tutorial
inside the folder where flowrebuilder had placed our.rev also has created another folder called “nameofthedump.EXT”in there are our personal files of our console and we need to get some to place em inside the pre-patched image that i attached
Open the hxd and open downgrade.bin and the metldr file that is inside the folder asecure_loader, we pick the tab on the hxd metldr and copy all the HEX content to get in inside the downgrade.bin
press control + g and write “820″thats the position of the metldr right click on the first line of the position 820
And choose “paste writing” and in the same way we introduce the other ones
the files to get in are
:METLDR: offset“810″ size “E960″
BOOTLOADER_0 Offset“FC0000″ size “40000″
EID: Offset “2F000″ size “10000″
CISD: Offset“3F000″ size “800″
then we take the downgrade.bin with the saved changes and we get in flowrebuilder with the option bytereverse dump and extract
This time the program will give us a error, but is a normal error, in fact is okay and will give us a file called downgrade.bin.REV
And thats the file you have to get in in the “flash” console
if all went well at writing ,turn on the console and you will see in the screen press the ps button or in English push ps button, DONT PRESS ANYTHING, turn off the console and put it in factory service mode, once done we need to put the correct file system for 3.55 lv2diag of jaicrab without reader and a special cfw
lv2diag:http://www.logic-sunrise.com/telecharge … icrab.html
cfw: http://pastebin.com/03MFDLGV turn onthe console with the usbstick with these two files in the right usb port (in the last) of the console and it will shut down for 10 / 15 minutes, turn on the console without any usb connected to verify that you did it correctly it will take you to xmb,
If all went well turn off the console and put your lv2diag
FILE2 of this pack:http://pastebin.com/gGETcxMR
the console will turn on for 20 seconds will turn off itself and CONGRATULATIONS you have your console in functional 100% and kmeaw cfw 3.55 100%
16 Αυγ 2011
Πτώση τιμής για το PS3

Μόλις πριν από λίγο ανακοινώθηκε πως τα μοντέλα PS3 Slim που υπάρχουν στην αγορά με τον σκληρό δίσκο των 160 Giga θα πωλούνται προς 250 ευρώ.Το μοντέλο των 320 Giga θα πωλείται προς 299 ευρώ.Επίσης ένα ακόμα Infamous Bundle θα γίνει διαθέσιμο με το εν λόγω πακέτο να στοιχίζει 299 ευρώ και να περιλαμβάνει ένα PS3 με σκληρό δίσκο 320 το αντίτυπο του Infamous 2 και trial 30 ημερών για το Playstation Plus

Downgrade από 3.70 σε 3.55;

For the first time, we have been involved in something truly spectacular
We were the first in the world to test the downgrade from 3.70 to 3:55 on a PS3 Slim (With flash memory, ” NOR “) using the ProgSkeet and patched some files provided by dospiedra, a famous Spanish coder already discovered on the crest of the wave for the method of going back to 3:55 / 3:41 with the PS3 (FAT flash memory “NAND”).
After several attempts, in collaboration with dospiedra, we got to go back from 3.70 to 3:55, enter the factory mode with a simple key to jailbreak, rifleshare a modified version of 3:55 to prevent the SYSCON (the registry in between downgrades) was consulted during the downgrade and now we are happily at 3:55 KMEAW!
With this version of moddata 3:55, you can perform a memory dump today and you can switch on the fly from 3:55 to 3.70 without having to make all this long procedure times: progskeet using it you can go straight to 3.70 changed to 3:55!
Dospiedra said it will release details on the patches applied to the NOR and the update file as soon as possible.
New life for those who arrived too late to enjoy the benefits of the 3:55?