1 Ιαν 2012

KADO’s True Blue patch για κονσόλες που έχουν γίνει downgrade

Το παρακάτω patch που κυκλοφόρησε από τον Abkarino το δημιούργησε ο Kado και ενεργοποιεί τις NOR κονσόλες που έχουν γίνει downgrade με Progskeet από μεγαλύτερο firmware σε 3.55 να λειτουργούν με το True Blue!

Dump your NOR flash using Progskeet first if you didn’t have a good dump from your console.

Download patch file attached to this thread.

Extract this file and you will get 4 folders use patch in folder “Coba_2″ to patch your dump using WinSkeet.

Apply this patch to your dump then flash it to your console.

Enter a Factory Service Mode using any method you like.

Use TB CFW with Lv2diag.self to flash your TB CFW in FSM.

Start your console normally, if it brick just dump this NOR flash again then patch again using “Coba_2″ patch.

If it still bricked use “Coba_3″ patch to patch your dump again then flash it back to your console.

Start console normally, now your console can run TB CFW on downgraded console.

Power off your console, plug your TB Dongle then power it on again and enjoy

Download Link http://depositfiles.com/files/pcgk6v04b

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