Ο σίγουρα πιο εκνευριστικός χάκερ για το PS3 ο Mathieulh ξαναχτυπά αφού για μία ακόμη φορά μας λέει πράγματα που γίνονται χωρίς να μοιράζεται το πώς γίνονται.Διαβάστε παρακάτω μία συζήτηση που είχε σχετικά με το downgrade από 3.56 ofw σε 3.55 ofw μέσω infectus και qa flag
You CAN downgrade from 3.56+ with an infectus.
Yes, you will however need to patch lv1 so it doesn’t check the syscon hashes. (Yes, this is a trivial patch). If you are already in service mode, that patch is not required however.
Yayo asked:
So lets say:
1/ put PS3 in service mode
2/ get a dump from another?? PS3
3/ wire up Infectus and flash it with the nor/nand dump you get from another??? PS3.
Mathieulh replied:
Yes, keep in mind though that only the coreos (ros) areas have to be modified, the EID, metldr, bootloader, vtrm…. areas of the nor/nand have to be the one from your ps3, if they are imported from another console your ps3 won’t be able to boot.
And here’s a discussion about the QA flag and vsh.self debugging
Mathieulh says:
The hint I gave you, is pretty much the solution to your dilemma, I am surprised none of you have figured it out yet.
If I told you more than this, I’d rather release the whole hack myself then, because it’d be no different.
Let’s just say I don’t like playing with fire, I risk great by simply helping you, Sony could sue me on bogus grounds and drawn me in legal fees if they so much see fit.
afiser says:
have you looked at VSH in a disassembler? it’s really not that easy to just “find” the function when there are litterally ten’s of thousands of functions in that elf alone, like 60% of them are not even labeled with a useful name. the only way for someone to find it is if they know PPC and SPU inside and out (like the people who already have found it) the only way anyone is going to find anything more is if they study up on ppc and spu, which will take an enormous amount of time.
Mathieulh replied:
Or you could design your debugger and perform some live debugging on the thing, that’s what I’ve done. Gets the job easier by 10 folds.
bucc says:
… which of course you will not share with us.
math, let’s be honest. How do you think someone not being able to use IDA (or any other disassembler) could design his own debugger?
Actually, this debugger thing came into my mind when someone posted a picture of a register dump a few pages back. The name of that “debugger” used was “anergistic”. Maybe someone should check this out.
Mathieulh replied:
anergistic is a spu emulator, good luck debugging vsh.self with that…
bucc asked:
So is there a debugger available that can debug vsh.self (or .elf) or just the one you made yourself?
Mathieulh replied:
self made.
Πολυ καλα νεα για οσους εχουν μεινει ακομα στην 3.56.... Παντως το διευκρινησε πολυ αργα.....
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήεχω τη 3.56 ρε παιδια..πως μπορω να το κανω ακριβως γιατι δεν πολυκαταλαβα??μπορει να μου εξηγησει καποιος?ευχαριστω
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήpolu apla tzimara den mporeis.auta einai ikasies tou malaka tou mathieulh pou den tis moirazete mazi mas
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήpfff krima k phra mia xara!!!ara perimenoume kati gia cfw p na yposthrizei k pio kainourgies ekdoseis pera apo th 3.55 e???
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήetsi akrivos