Δεν ξέρω κατά πόσο σας έχει δυσκολέψει το Dead Rising 2 αλλά το cheat που σας δίνω σίγουρα θα σας λύσει τα χέρια.Τι θα κερδίσετε μπορείτε να το δείτε παρακάτω ενώ το cheat αρχείο το περνάτε στο φάκελο hdd0\GAMES\BLES00948\USRDIR\ κάνοντας βέβαια πρώτα back up το original αρχείο
1. 3 Times As Many Z-Bags =]
2. 3 Safehouse Locations [ Modded Where Weapons Spawn In These ]
3. All Weapons Unlocked
4. All Cars Unlocked
5. Most Pawn Shop Items Free [ ALL WEAPONS ]
6. Guns Have RIDICULOUS PP, Combo Weapons Have Max 214729374 Or Something Like That
7. Modded Weapons [ Super BFG Scatters Zombies Everywhere And Has A 100 Foot Radius Killing Most Zombies. And Shotguns That Shoot Saw Blades WIN I Know Lol]
8. Super Fast Vehicles [ Bunny Bike = Too Fast Lol ]
9. 1 Hit Killsplosion With Most Melee Weapons =]
10. ALL! I Repeat ALL Clothes Are In Rooms 1 And 11. EVERY Outfit On The Game Including Knight Armor.
11. Last But Not Least - God Mode [ ohh Yeaa. I Was First I Believe To Coin This Badass Mod. ]
2. 3 Safehouse Locations [ Modded Where Weapons Spawn In These ]
3. All Weapons Unlocked
4. All Cars Unlocked
5. Most Pawn Shop Items Free [ ALL WEAPONS ]
6. Guns Have RIDICULOUS PP, Combo Weapons Have Max 214729374 Or Something Like That
7. Modded Weapons [ Super BFG Scatters Zombies Everywhere And Has A 100 Foot Radius Killing Most Zombies. And Shotguns That Shoot Saw Blades WIN I Know Lol]
8. Super Fast Vehicles [ Bunny Bike = Too Fast Lol ]
9. 1 Hit Killsplosion With Most Melee Weapons =]
10. ALL! I Repeat ALL Clothes Are In Rooms 1 And 11. EVERY Outfit On The Game Including Knight Armor.
11. Last But Not Least - God Mode [ ohh Yeaa. I Was First I Believe To Coin This Badass Mod. ]
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